Spring Break
April 18-22 9am- 12pm Age: 6-9
Stop Motion Animation
Lights, camera, action! Learn how to develop your animation skills using sock puppets to create believable movement and character performances and storylines using music, special effects and more. Show off your film, with a special screening for your family and friends at the end of the course!
Tuition $340
6 weeks: $1800
After April 30th: $2100
Pay in full
Pay in three payments
Pay in four payments
Cash check and or credit card accepted
Scholarships limited
Email us for sibling discount
(same household)
Girls Entrepenuer Tech Camp
July 25-29 2016
9am-12pm: (1st graders- 4th graders)
1pm-4pm: (5th graders- 8th graders)
Location: 353 W48th Street New York, NY 10036
Tuition $275
After April $300
This Entrepreneur Summer Camp puts the tools and technology used to create a business plan and prototype into the hands of rising 6th-9th graders. Students will go from idea generation to presentation of their prototype and business plan under the guidance of the facilitators and developers you select for this program.
Bring your own laptop
April 25-29
9am-12pm Age:6-9
1pm-4pm Age: 10-12
Little Bits + Minecraft
Imagine incorporating realworld material into minecraft? You could do this by making a simple redstone cicuit then transmiting a signal from Minecraft to littlebits and you could also recieve a signal from little bits to minecraft.
Tuition $340
Location: 353 W48th Street New York, NY
Summer Maker Camp
June 13- July 22 2016
9am-12 pm
Location: 353 W48th Street New York, NY 10036